Liberia: Domestic Timber Value Chain Analysis
Since 2006, Liberia has developed and implemented significant regulations, laws, and reforms around the exportoriented,
large-scale industrial forestry sector. Timber produced through informal and small-scale chainsaw milling
operations for the domestic market has largely been ignored. As a result, such timber remains unrecorded in official
statistics and is produced without a valid permit. However, Liberia recently signed a Voluntary Partnership Agreement
(VPA) with the European Union under the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan,
promising to certify the legal origin of the entire national timber production.
This report defines the quantities, economic values, and dynamics of the domestic timber sector. Chainsaw milling, if
uncontrolled, will have a serious socio-economic and environmental impact that will jeopardize the nation’s intention
to establish a viable timber export industry.
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Bickel, A.,Cerutti, P.O.
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