Towards Indonesian carbon market: Input from REDD+ projects

Key messages
- REDD+ projects in Indonesia are commercial ‘heavyweights’ in global voluntary carbon markets and among the largest suppliers of carbon offset credits in the world despite only a few of them operating in such markets.
- REDD+ projects employ diverse approaches to secure financing (ranging from direct carbon offset sales to donor aid and donations). They offer a range of activities to achieve their conservation and rural development objectives, mostly tailored to local contexts.
- Legislation to support a domestic carbon market already exists (and continues to emerge). It will be crucial to ensure the market is designed in a way that maximizes benefits for all stakeholders, and ensures REDD+ projects continue to play a key role in mitigating climate change.
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Nofyanza, S.,Dwisatrio, B.,Atmadja, S.,Moeliono, M.,Pham, T.T.
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