REDD+ readiness in Nepal: In search of effective stakeholder participation

  • In Nepal, key substantive issues, such as measurement, reporting and verification, reference emission levels, governance and financing, on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) are under-addressed. Dispute regarding REDD+ procedural issues, such as participation and communication have dominated. Adjusting this balance may be productive for making headway with substantive issues.
  • The REDD+ process in Nepal is failing to fully engage all relevant stakeholders. This lack of genuine engagement invites the risks of non-cooperation of many forest dependent communities and stakeholders.
  • Language, technical and attitudinal barriers are limiting participation of a wide range of stakeholders. Work to reduce these barriers, develop capacity of weak stakeholders and forge productive dialogue between experts and civic actors may help improve their participation.

Paudel, N.S.,Khatri, D.B.,Karki, R.

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