Framing the peatlands governance in the Congo Basin

Key messages
- There is a growing consensus among national and international actors about the need to protect and sustainably manage the peatlands in the central Congo Basin because of their importance for the environment and communities.
- The central Congo Basin peatlands extend over two countries, the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Consequently, permanent coordination is key if both countries’ actions are to be effective in preserving the transnational peatlands.
- Coordination to protect the central Congo Basin peatlands involves not only international and regional actions, but also joint efforts of national institutions because of overlapping land uses in the peatlands.
- Ongoing efforts to improve the governance of the central Congo Basin peatlands are largely driven by national climate change efforts. These provide an intersectoral framework to inform debate for legal and institutional reforms, improve land use and management, and reduce emissions from the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
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Sonwa, D.J.,Bambuta, J.J.,Siewe, R.,Pongui, B.
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