Farmer managed natural regeneration in Somali context: Practitioners’ manual

The Somali geographical area covers approximately 637,540 km² of land mass with an estimated population of about 12.3 million (UNFPA 2014). The country is food deficient with a high dependence on food imports. Rainfall is typically low and highly variable in most parts of the country, ranging from 63 mm on the northern coastal areas to just under 600 mm at higher elevations in the south and in the north-west. Livestock production forms the basis of livelihoods for over 60% of the country’s population. Crop production is second to livestock and its contribution to household economics is growing in importance. Vulnerability to food crises and climate change has however diminished livelihood security and quality of life in the country.

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Obwocha, E.,Muriuki, J.,Wanjira, E.O.,Mohamed, A.,Muse, I.M.

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