Ethiopian National Drylands Restoration Strategy

This is a Strategy for the Restoration of Ethiopia’s Drylands and presents a summary version of a larger source document of the strategy with a clear vision, mission, guiding principles, scope, rationale and the strategic issues, objectives, and actions under four key thematic areas. It also covers implementation arrangements, financing mechanisms, risks and assumptions, monitoring, evaluation, accountability, and learnings (MEAL) as well as knowledge management.This Strategy was developed during a yearlong process, overseen by the Ministry of Agriculture and Ethiopian Forestry Development and involving multiple actors at national and regional levels. It presents a set of agreed principles and policy directions, and it outlines some key actions, to be spelled out in more detailed action plans. Importantly, the Strategy also lays out a framework for policy coordination and harmonization, enabling the development of coherent actions at national, regional and local levels.


Kassa H,Hagazi N

Publication year


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