Analyzing data from participatory on-farm trials: research and participation

P1111111111Analyzing Data from ParticipatoryOn-Farm TrialsResearch and Participation articipation and the systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of dataare not contradictory activities. Among some practitioners there is a belief thatadoption of a participatory paradigm removes the need, or even makes itimpossible, for researchers to collect and analyze data. The purpose ofparticipation is seen as empowerment of local people, which is inconsistent withresearchers conducting activities that meet their own objectives. However, manyresearchers recognize that broad conclusions of relevance beyond the immediateparticipants are still necessary, and that a part of this research must be thecollection and interpretation of data.A participatory approach, however, hasimplications for the collection, analysisand presentation of data. Data from on-farm trials take many forms, from cropyields measured on individual plots tothe reported consensus of participants ata group meeting. Data collection is doneusing qualitative and quantitativemethods and by different individual andgroups of people.Data analysis can alsobe for, and to some extent by, differentparticipants, each of whom have theirown interests and objectives
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Coe, R.
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