The growth performance of dipterocarps species and understorey diversity in the Gunung Dahu Research Forest, Leuwiliang, Bogor

Dipterocarps species is the main species composes Gunung Dahu research forest. Habitat suitability and growth performance of a species are some factors considered in the species selection for forest establishment. The understorey in a forest community serves to protect soil from erosion. This research aimed is to analyze the growth performance of various Dipterocarpaceae species and study understorey diversity in the research area. The measurement was conducted in four species trial plots contain ten Dipterocarps species consist of five individuals per species per plot or 200 individuals in total. The growth performance of Dipterocarp species was analyzed using the current annual increment (CAI) and mean annual increment (MAI) methods. The understorey diversity was analyzed using the Shannon-Wiener Index. The result showed that Shorea johorensis obtained the highest CAI, 0.95 cm year-1, and Shorea platyclados got the highest MAI, 1.78 cm/year. S. platyclados and S. leprosula were projected to reach <40 cm in diameter after they got 25 years. The Gunung Dahu research forest's understorey was classified as moderate (1.68-2.33). The dominant understorey species, namely Oldenlandia auricularia, Neprolephis biserrate, Ottochloa nodosa, and Gleichenia linearis. This study concluded that the growth performance of Dipterocarps species in the study area varied, and the understorey condition was classified as moderate, where its diversity has a positive correlation with the crown openness. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.

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Fambayun, R.A.,Istomo, Ramadhan, D.E.

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