Clonal and cutting stem morphology variations in rooting ability were simultaneously examined in Allanblackia floribunda Oliv. using leafy stem cuttings in two experiments. The hypothesis tested is that clonal variation in rooting percentage is due to variation in cutting morphology. Each of the four replicate blocks used per experiment consisted of 18 treatments from two crossed factors, diameter or length × clone, making a total of n = 216 cuttings (3 cutting lengths (3, 4, and 5 cm) or diameters (2, 3, and 4 mm) × 6 stumps (clones) × 12 cuttings, as each experimental unit consisted of 12 cuttings). The cuttings were used for rooting in nonmist propagators. No clone × cutting diameter and clone × cutting length interactions (P = 0.293 and 0.513, respectively) on rooting percentage were found at the end of the study. Highly significant and significant clonal variations in rooting percentage were noted throughout the experiments. Results from this study reject the hypothesis being tested. Finally, further work should be done on the effects of physiological status of the cuttings and clonal variation in this species.