Quantitative descriptors of variation in the fruits and seeds of Irvingia gabonensis

Methods were developed to quantify variation in the fruit, nut and kernel traits using the fruits from four trees of Irvingia gabonensis, an indigenous fruit tree of west and central Africa. The measurement of 18 characteristics of 16–32 fruits per tree identified significant variation in fruit, nut and kernel size and weight, and flesh depth. Differences were also identified in shell weight and brittleness, fruit taste, fibrosity and flesh colour. Relationships between fruit size and weight with nut and kernel size and weight were found to be very weak, indicating that it is not possible to accurately predict the traits of the commercially-important kernel from fruit traits. Seven key qualitative traits are recommended for future assessments of the levels of genetic variation in fruits and kernels. These traits describe ideotypes for fresh fruit and kernel production.

Domestication of Irvingia gabonensis: 1. Phenotypic variation in fruits and kernels in two populations from Cameroon

Twenty four fruits from each of 52 Irvingia gabonensis trees from two villages (Nko’ovos II and Elig Nkouma) of the humid lowland forest zone of Cameroon (West Africa) were assessed to determine the extent of variation in ten fruit, nut (endocarp), and kernel (cotyledon) characteristics. Highly significant differences were found in fruit length (Range = 46.2 to 77.3 mm), fruit width (45.1 to 72.5 mm), flesh (mesocarp) depth (11.2 to 21.8 mm), fruit mass (44.5 to 195.4 g), kernel mass (0.54 to 6.9 g) and shell mass (5.4 to 18.6 g). In each of these traits there was continuous variation. Differences were also observed in fruit taste and fibrosity. The most frequent skin and flesh color was yellow (Methuen Color Code 4A8). Mean fruit length, fruit width, fruit mass, shell mass and kernel mass differed significantly between villages, but did not differ between different landuses (homegardens, cocoa farms, crop fields or fallows). These results represent the first quantitative assessment of tree-to-tree variation in fruit traits for this species and are discussed with regard to the domestication potential of I. gabonensis.

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