Assessment of browsed plants in a sub-tropical forest frontier by means of fuzzy inference

Browsing of forest frontiers by cattle in sub-tropical landscapes is detrimental to ecosystem health, but essential to smallholder livelihoods. We described a silvopastoral landscape, searching for browsed plants to assess how much of the forest is actually used for this end, and also searching for potential new useful species for silvopastoral purposes. The first objective was accomplished through a floristic description, making observations of individuals with browsing marks. Information from interviews, bromatological analyses and vegetative propagation tests further complemented this information to achieve the second objective. We classified the results using Fuzzy Inference Systems (FISs). A great variety of nutritious browsed plants was found, distributed across various types of vegetation, growth habits and taxonomic groups: forest frontiers already are like silvopastoral systems. Various plants like Acalypha leptopoda, Montanoa tomentosa and Verbesina perymenioides are interesting prospects for further intensification of silvopastoral systems.

Resource Use and Plant Interactions in a Rice-Mungbean Intercrop

Intercropping of upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) with short-duration grain legumes has shown promising productivity and resource use efficiency. To better understand intercrop relationships, we used aboveand underground partitions, residue removal, and plant removal to investigate the interactions between upland rice (120-d crop duration) and mungbean [Vigna radiata (L) Wilczek, 65-d crop duration]. Treatments were evaluated during two rainy seasons on an unfertilized Typic Tropudalf at Los Bafios, Philippines. Nitrogen uptake by intercropped rice (33.4 and 41.1 kg N ha1) approximated that of sole rice (35.4 and 38.1 kg N ha1). Intercropped rice yielded 73 to 87% of sole rice and intercropped mungbeans yielded 59 to 99% of sole mungbean. Root barriers did not affect rice N uptake or dry matter accumulation prior to the maturity of the mungbean, but reduced N uptake, dry matter, and grain yields substantially by the time of rice harvest. Sole rice with every third row removed at mungbean harvest had N, grain, and dry matter yields similar to the intercropped rice with every third row occupied by the legume. Sole rice with every third row vacant during the entire growing season yielded similarly (2.6 Mg h1) to sole rice (2.3 Mg h1) and intercropped rice (2.0 Mg h1). There was no evidence that N transfer from the legume to the rice increased N availability to rice above that expected with a sole rice crop with the same planting scheme. Rice yield compensation in the intercrop was apparently due to the increased soil volume for N extraction and increased aerial space available after mungbean harvest.

A tree/crop interface design and its use for evaluating the potential of hedgerow intercropping

The paper describes a tree/crop interface (TCI) experiment designed to investigate the effects of row orientation using Leucaena leucocephala Lam. Each TCI plot consisted of a regularly pruned Leucaena hedge in the middle and 12 crop rows on either side. Eight such plots were arranged at 45° around a sole Leucaena plot with rows oriented in four compass directions viz., North-South, East-West, Northeast-Southwest and Northwest-Southeast. Results of four years from 1984 to 1987 did not show any effect of row orientation, and similarly, no effect was seen on crop rows due to their location on the windward or leeward side of the hedge. The TCI effect was positive on the first crop row in the first year because Leucaena grew slowly, but depressed the yield of the first 4 to 6 crop rows(1.8 to 2.7 m from hedge) in subsequent years. The negative effect of Leucaena was noted more on sunflower in a relatively dry year than on sorghum in other years. Results from the TCI plots were used to estimate the yield of five hedgerow intercropping (HI) systems with varying alley widths (2.7 to 9.9 m). Comparison with sole stands of Leucaena and crops indicated that HI was more productive particularly at close alley widths. For example, hedges spaced at 2.7 m and 3.6 m averaged 37% and 25% higher productivity than the respective sole stands; but this advantage may be an overestimation of the real potential. The relevance of TCI experiments for studying agroforestry systems, their merits and limitations, especially of the design employed in this study are discussed.

Rotational woodlot technology in northwestern Tanzania: Tree species and crop performance

Growing of trees as woodlots on farms for five to seven years in rotation with crops was considered as a potential technology to overcome the shortage of wood, which is a common problem to many parts of sub-Saharan Africa. The paper summarizes the results of trials conducted at Tabora and Shinyanga in northwestern Tanzania on rotational woodlots, to evaluate tree species for wood production and yields of maize grown in association with and after harvest of trees. On acid sandy soils at Tabora, Acacia crassicarpa A. Cunn. ex Benth. grew fast and produced 24 to 77 Mg ha1 of wood in four to five years. On alkaline Vertisols at Shinyanga, seven years old woodlots of Acacia polyacantha Willd. and Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) De Wit. produced 71 and 89 Mg ha1 of wood, respectively. Intercropping of maize between trees was possible for two years without sacrificing its yield. The first maize crop following A. crassicarpa woodlots gave 29 to 113% greater yield than the crop after natural fallow. Acacia polyacantha and L. leucocephala woodlots also increased the subsequent maize yields over a three-year period. The increase in crop yields after woodlots was attributed partly to accumulation of greater amounts of inorganic N in the topsoil compared to the traditional fallow, and partly to other effects. Thus medium-term rotational woodlots are likely to contribute to meet the wood requirements of rural people and thereby help protect the natural woodlands in sub-Saharan Africa.

Tree and crop productivity in gliricidia/maize/pigeonpea cropping systems in southern Malawi

This study examined the hypothesis that incorporation of Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp.) (gliricidia), a fast-growing, nitrogen-fixing tree, into agroforestry systems in southern Malawi may be used to increase the input of organic fertilizer and reduce the need for expensive inorganic fertilizers. The productivity of maize (Zea mays L.), pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.) and gliricidia grown as sole stands or in mixed cropping systems was examined at Makoka Research Station (latitude 15° 30 S, longitude 35° 15 E) and a nearby farm site at Nazombe between 1996 and 2000. Treatments included gliricidia intercropped with maize, with or without pigeonpea, and sole stands of gliricidia, maize and pigeonpea. Trees in the agroforestry systems were pruned before and during the cropping season to provide green leaf manure. Maize yields and biomass production by each component were determined and fractional light interception was measured during the reproductive stage of maize. Substantial quantities of green leaf manure (2.4 to 9.0 Mg ha1 year1) were produced from the second or third year after tree establishment. Green leaf manure and fuelwood production were greatest when gliricidia was grown as unpruned sole woodlots (c. 8.0 and 22 Mg ha1 year1 respectively). Improvements in maize yield in the tree-based systems also became significant in the third year, when c. 3.0 Mg ha1 of grain was obtained. Tree-based cropping systems were most productive and exhibited greater fractional light interception (c. 0.6 to 0.7) than cropping systems without trees (0.1 to 0.4). No beneficial influence of pigeonpea on maize performance was apparent either in the presence or absence of gliricidia at either site in most seasons. However, as unpruned gliricidia provided the greatest interception of incident solar radiation (>0.9), coppicing may be required to reduce shading when gliricidia is grown together with maize. As pigeonpea production was unaffected by the presence of gliricidia, agroforestry systems containing gliricidia might be used to replace traditional maize + pigeonpea systems in southern Malawi.

Intercropping Acacia albida with maize (Zea mays) and green gram (Phaseolus aureus) at Mtwapa, Coast Province, Kenya

Long-term agroforestry demonstrations/trials using Acacia albida and other nitrogen fixing multipurpose trees/shrubs were initiated in mid-1982 to assess soil and crop productivity at a coastal lowland site characterized by low soil fertility, weed problems and consequent poor crop yields. Growth performance (height and diameter at breast height, dbh) of Acacia albida under eight densities rotationally intercropped with maize (Zea mays) and green gram (Phaseolus aureus), crop grain yields, soil fertility changes and weed control were assessed for a 5-year period (May 1982 to March 1987). A parallel-row systematic spacing field layout was used. Intercropped Acacia albida mean hight and dbh were 140 and 24% respectively higher than tree-only controls by the fifth year. Growth rate was low during the first year but increased in subsequent years to mean height and dbh of 9 m and 10 cm respectively by March 1987. While differences in dbh were significant, those between stand heights were not. Crop yields, especially under higher tree densities, declined considerably due to unexpected shade which also caused significant reductions in weed biomass. Soil fertility levels remained unchanged during the experimental period relative to the initial status, and differences between the intercropped Acacia albida plots and the tree — or crop — only control appeared not to be significant. We conclude that an understanding of the mechanism regulating leaf fall/retention phenomena of Acacia albida is crucial towards determining the intercropping potentials of the species.

Legumes for improving maize yields and income in semi-arid Kenya

An experiment was conducted at the research station of the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) at Machakos, Kenya from November 1989 to February 1996 to evaluate the effect of annual and perennial legumes on soil fertility, cereal yields and economic returns. The study evaluated six cropping systems: (1) continuous sole maize, (2) maize rotated with short-duration legume, cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.), (3) maize rotated with long-duration legume, pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.), (4) maize intercropped with pigeonpea, (5) hedgerow intercropping of maize and a perennial legume, gliricidia (Gliricidia sepium), and (6) continuous sole maize, green-manured with gliricidia prunings produced from an equivalent area outside the cropped field (‘biomass transfer technology’). Maize–cowpea sequential and pigeonpea/maize intercropping systems produced, respectively, 17 and 24% higher maize yields than continuous sole maize, but maize–pigeonpea rotation yielded only marginally better. Hedgerow intercropping did not increase maize yields because increased yields during the few high rainfall seasons did not compensate the yield losses in other seasons due to the competition of hedgerows for water with crop. Green manuring with gliricidia prunings increased maize production by 27%, but this technology was not economical because of high labour costs for production and application of prunings to the crop. The annual grain legume-based cropping systems were 32–49% more profitable than continuous sole maize, making them attractive to small farmers in semi-arid tropics. Both cowpea and pigeonpea were affected by pests and diseases, which indicated the need for integrated pest management for realising the potential benefits of these legume-based systems.

Availability and use of dry season feed resources on smallholder dairy farms in central Kenya

A cross-sectional survey on 41 farms followed by six weeks monitoring of dairy cattle feeding on ten smallholder dairy farms in central Kenya was conducted to investigate the use, availability and quality of dry season feed resources. Fodder production was largely from Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) grown on small plots and contour strips where it acts both as a fodder source as well as a biological barrier to soil erosion. There is a need to broaden the choice of fodder crops on such farms to provide a wide range of harvesting management options and to avoid total loss in case of pest or disease outbreaks. Intercropping of Napier grass with leguminous fodder trees could boost the quantity and quality of herbage production especially during the dry season. Roughage from a variety of sources was utilised during the dry season in addition to Napier grass. Among the herbages, leguminous feeds had the lowest potential dry matter degradability while weeds harvested from cropland and roadsides had the highest. Energy and protein intake from the roughage fed to grade dairy cattle during the dry season may be insufficient to meet the requirements of these animals due to the high levels of fibre concentration (acid detergent fibre and neutral detergent fibre (ADF and NDF)) in them. It is recommended that the scope for alternative sources of improved roughage such as Napier/calliandra mixtures, to boost the energy, protein and overall dry matter provision on the farms should be investigated further.

Utilisation of light and water in tropical agriculture

The resource capture approach developed by John Monteith has been applied in studies of a wide variety of plant species and cropping systems in the tropics over the past 18 years. The purpose of this review is to highlight the progress made and the new challenges which lie ahead. The foundation for this approach was the establishment of ‘response surfaces’ for the development and growth of tropical crops using controlled-environment facilities. The concepts of light interception and thermal time developed were then used to investigate the mechanisms responsible for overyielding in intercropping systems and genotypic differences in the drought adaptation of crops in the semi-arid tropics. The most significant achievements were in the understanding of temporal and spatial complementarity in intercropping and agroforestry systems and the development of plant growth models. More recently, the same concepts have been extended to the capture of below-ground resources in agroforestry systems and rain forests. The most serious remaining challenge is to extend this approach to studies of complex multispecies systems in the humid tropics.

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