Genebanks underpin global food security, conserving and distributing agrobiodiversity for use in research and breeding. The CGIAR collections include >700,000 seed accessions, held in trust as global public goods. However, the role of genebanks in contributing to global food security can only be realized if collections are effectively managed. Examination of the historical viability monitoring data from seven CGIAR genebanks confirmed that high seed viability was maintained for many decades for the various crops and forage species. However, departures from optimum management procedures were revealed, and there were insufficient data gathered to derive reliable estimates of longevity needed to better forecast regeneration requirements, estimate the size of seed lots that should be stored, and optimize accession monitoring intervals.
Tag: gene banks
Germplasm Acquisition and Distribution by CGIAR Genebanks
The international collections of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA) hosted by 11 CGIAR Centers are important components of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s global system of conservation and use of PGRFA. They also play an important supportive role in realizing Target 2.5 of the Sustainable Development Goals. This paper analyzes CGIAR genebanks’ trends in acquiring and distributing PGRFA over the last 35 years, with a particular focus on the last decade. The paper highlights a number of factors influencing the Centers’ acquisition of new PGRFA to include in the international collections, including increased capacity to analyze gaps in those collections and precisely target new collecting missions, availability of financial resources, and the state of international and national access and benefit-sharing laws and phytosanitary regulations. Factors contributing to Centers’ distributions of PGRFA included the extent of accession-level information, users’ capacity to identify the materials they want, and policies. The genebanks’ rates of both acquisition and distribution increased over the last decade. The paper ends on a cautionary note concerning the potential of unresolved tensions regarding access and benefit sharing and digital genomic sequence information to undermine international cooperation to conserve and use PGRFA.