Tag: Food production
Theory of Change: Implementation Manual for the Enhanced National Greening Program
Nutritious Food Portfolios for targeting year-round food harvest and nutrient gaps – Kinango
Nutritious Food Portfolios for targeting year-round food harvest and nutrient gaps – Ngobit
Developing livelihood trajectory models for screening and scaling agroforestry options
Development of an Intergrated Land Use Strategy for Na-Nhan Commune, Dien Bien District, Dien Bien Province
Contracting and gender equity in Tanzania: using a value chain approach to understand the role of gender in organic spice certification
Challenges for Sustainable Use of the Fish Resources from Lake Balkhash, a Fragile Lake in an Arid Ecosystem
Carbon dynamics in cocoa agroforestry systems in Central Cameroon: afforestation of savannah as a sequestration opportunity
Assessing household food insecurity experience in the context of deforestation in Cameroon
In forest areas, reconciling strategies to halt deforestation and concerns to improve sustainable food supply and access is a great challenge to development planners and forest managers. This paper gathered evidence on the relationship between deforestation and food insecurity. The study was executed in Cameroon’s forest areas which constitute 10% of the Congo basin forest – an area characterized by increasing deforestation and high levels of poverty and food insecurity (FIS). The objective was to understand the characteristics, prevalence and severity of household FIS as deforestation increases. The HFIAS 9-item questionnaire for measuring experience-based FIS was used for data collection and analysis.