Agroforestry innovations and livelihood enhancement in the shadow of lucrative urban centres: a socio-economic study

A baseline study was conducted to document the social and economic impacts of adopting trees, managing agroforestry systems and improving tree product marketing practices as part of the USAID funded ‘Agroforestry Innovation and Livelihood Enhancement Program’ implemented by World Agroforestry Centre – ICRAF Southeast Asia and Winrock International, with assistance from RMI (the Indonesian Institute for Forest and Environment).IntroductionIntroductionThe data generated by this study will be used for farm-level economic analysis: (a) Analysis of the progress of agroforestry system in social and economic term, (b) Analysis of the financial return to the farm under different scenario, and (c) Orientation to farm budget and financial analysis by a selected group of interested farmers forexamining their management options including market linkages.

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