WaNuLCAS 3.01: background on a model of Water, Nutrient and Light Capture in Agroforestry Systems

Models of tree-soil-crop interactions in agroforestry should maintain a balance betweendynamic processes and spatial patterns of interactions for common resources. We give an outlineand discuss major assumptions underlying the WaNuLCAS model of water, nitrogen and lightinteractions in agroforestry systems. The model was developed to deal with a wide range ofagroforestry systems: hedgerow intercropping on flat or sloping land, fallow-crop mosaics orisolated trees in parklands, with minimum parameter adjustments. Examples are presented forsimulation runs of hedgerow intercropping systems at different hedgerow spacings and pruningregimes, a test of the safety-net function of deep tree roots, lateral interactions in crop-fallowmosaics and a first exploration for parkland systems with a circular geometry

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