Traditional tree farming systems in West Java and their importance to local people

Dudukuhan are traditional tree farming systems in West Java, Indonesia. These systems are distinguished fromhomegardens (pekarangan) by location – away from the house – and a lower level of management. Dudukuhancan be divided into 4 types: 1) timber system, 2) mixed fruit-timber-banana-annual crops system, 3) mixed fruittimbersystem, and 4) fallow system. Traditionally all types of dudukuhan are managed on an extractive basis,few inputs (quality germplasm, fertilizers, labor, etc) are allocated to these systems. This management approachis caused by: limited land tenure, small land size, off-farm employment opportunities, limited market access,and farmers’ limited experience with intensive tree management. Depending on the socioeconomic conditionsand market opportunities facing a farmer, the allocation of a specific piece of land may shift between the fourtypes of dudukuhan. This transformation occurs gradually over a number of years and affects the treebiodiversity and total number of trees in the system. A desire for tree products, market opportunities and landtenure status are the key factors that influence farmers’ decision concerning which type of dudukuhan todevelop. Positive changes in these factors have a positive influence on tree biodiversity and tree density. Incomegeneration is the primary factor influencing farmers’ choice of tree species. Soil conservation is a secondary butimportant factor influencing both choices of dudukuhan and tree species. In order to improve the dudukuhansystems, agroforestry innovations through semi-commercial enterprises that yield products to meet both homeand market demands should be a guarantee for livelihood enhancement.

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