The policy terrain in protected area landscapes: how laws and institutions affect conservation, livelihoods, and agroforestry in the landscapes surrounding Campo Ma’an National Park and the Dja Biosphere Reserve, Cameroon

The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) has the opportunity to become a new leader within the field of conservation. ICRAF can offer a practical “middle ground” to the contentious debate surrounding conservation of protected areas and the rights of local communities that depend upon these resources through the promotion of appro- priate agroforestry technologies which are founded upon high quality research and evolve from local priorities and demands. By promoting agroforestry as a landscape con- servation strategy, ICRAF can expand ideas about how best to conserve biological diver-sity in a way that includes (rather than excludes) people and agroecosystems. Using agroforestry in buffer zones is not a new idea per se. Within conservation and development circles many organizations have used agroforestry as part of integrated con-servation and development projects (ICDPs) in an attempt to meet both conservation and livelihood goals. Yet within such projects, agroforestry was typically one activityamongst many geared towards a larger project goal. Unfortunately, very little has been written documenting the actual effectiveness of agroforestry in ICDPs (Ashley andSpainhower 2002). Recently, a number of scientists have offered new strategies that promote agro- forestry as a means of improving local livelihoods while conserving important speciesand environmental functions. Peter Brosius and Diane Russell (2003) proposed to “rein-vent” community-based conservation by suggesting the principle of building assetsacross generations. As such, assets can include natural assets, social assets, and econom-ic assets. Leakey and Tchoundjeu (2001; see also Tchoundjeu et al. 1999) made first-rate progress in the domestication and marketing of indigenous fruit trees in the humid low- lands of West Africa, thus supporting conservation through use. Additionally, Schrothand colleagues (2004) recently authored a synthesis of the benefits that agroforestry can offer biodiversity conservation in tropical landscapes. They identified three hypotheses on how agroforestry can contribute to conservation: 1) agroforestry can protect natureby reducing pressure to deforest land, 2) agroforestry can provide habitat for native plant and animal species, 3) agroforestry can serve as a benign matrix land use for fragmented landscapes. Despite these benefits, however, they state that integrating agroforestry into conservation is a major policy and institutional challenge.

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