Technical Summary

This Technical Summary to the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land (SRCCL) comprises a compilation of the chapter executive summaries illustrated with figures from the report. It follows the structure of the SRCCL (Figure TS.1) and is presented in seven parts. TS.1 (Chapter 1) provides a synopsis of the main issues addressed in the Special Report, introducing key concepts and definitions and highlighting where the report builds on previous publications. TS.2 (Chapter 2) focuses on the dynamics of the land–climate system (Figure TS.2). It assesses recent progress towards understanding the impacts of climate change on land, and the feedbacks land has on climate and which arise from altered biogeochemical and biophysical fluxes between the atmosphere and the land surface. TS.3 (Chapter 3) examines how the world’s dryland populations are uniquely vulnerable to desertification and climate change, but also have significant knowledge in adapting to climate variability and addressing desertification. TS.4 (Chapter 4) assesses the urgency of tackling land degradation across all land ecosystems. Despite accelerating trends of land degradation, reversing these trends is attainable through restoration efforts and improved land management, which is expected to improve resilience to climate change, mitigate climate change, and ensure food security for generations to come. TS.5 (Chapter 5) focuses on food security, with an assessment of the risks and opportunities that climate change presents to food systems. It considers how mitigation and adaptation can contribute to both human and planetary health. TS.6 (Chapter 6) introduces options for responding to the challenges of desertification, land degradation and food security and evaluates the trade-offs for sustainable land management, climate adaptation and mitigation, and the sustainable development goals. TS.7 (Chapter 7) further assesses decision making and policy responses to risks in the climate-land-human system.

Publication year


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