Technical report for Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture (MICCA) Project

The main goal of the Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture (MICCA) project is to facilitate developing countries to contri bute to the mitigation of climate change through agricultural means and transition toward low emission agricultural development . MICCA achieves this by identify ing , verify ing , and scaling up climate -­ smart agriculture practices in two regions, Kolero (Tanzania) and Kaptumo (Kenya). MICCA work s through innovative science for development partnerships among (i) the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), ( ii ) World Agro forestry Centre (ICRAF) and (iii) CARE Int ernational in Tanzania or the East African D airy Development Program (EADD) in Kenya. R esponsibility are roughly divided as follows , though work packages are highly interdependent and collaborative: ICRAF ( science ), CARE and EADD ( extension and capacity building), and the socioeconomic and Ex -­ Ante assessment (FAO ) . Development and extension of tree nurseries is the primary exception to the structure; ICRAF -­ Tanzania leads the activity

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