Salience, credibility and legitimacy in land use change modeling: model validation as product or process?
Simulation models compile knowledge into tools that are increasingly being used in problem solving and in decision making. Such models also are used in applied situations for natural resource management by integrating multi-dimensional social and biophysical indicators. However, despite the various approaches in promoting use of simulation models as tools to support decision making in natural resource management, acceptance and use by decision makers and natural resource managers are still a challenging issue. One of the major concerns is related to the following questions “How good is model A”, “Is model A better than model B”, “‘How valid are existing simulation models in addressing natural resource management issues” This dissertation is the result of PhD research on validation of simulation models for natural resource management. It includes studies of users’ perspectives on the validity of simulation models, model application to assess trade-offs and uncertainty assessmenst for designing management intervention. This introductory chapter provides the background for the research comprising of challenges in natural resource management, in particular in the region of Southeast Asia and various tools that can be used to address these challenges. The conceptual framework, hypotheses and research questions that shaped this study are listed towards the end of this chapter.
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