Rapid Agrobiodiversity Assessment (RABA): a tool to capture the understanding and knowledge of stakeholders on the benefits of agrobiodiversity
Threats to biodiversity-rich, forest protected areasare mainly caused by humans (WWF, 2004). Incontrast, outside protected areas humans alsoshape their environment – either in the form ofmanaging forest in the buffer zone areas ormanaging productive land into land use types inwhich production and protection can co-exist.These types of land uses are also able to undergosimilar functions to those performed by forestsand protected areas (Plieninger and Wilbrand,2001; De Clerk and Negregos-Castillo, 2000;Williams et al., 2001; Rasnovi and Vincent, in prep,O’Connor, in prep). Land uses displaying thesecharacteristics are considered to be a haven foragrobiodiversity.
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