Proximate composition, vitamin C And Beta-Carotene contents of fifteen selected leafy wild and semi-wild food plants (WSWFPs) from Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom, Uganda

This paper presents the proximate composition, vitamin C and beta-carotene contents of 15 selected leafy wild and semi-wild food plants (WSWFPs) from Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom, Uganda. Proximate analysis using standard procedures included determination of: moisture, energy (caloric value), ash, protein, fat, total carbohydrates and dietary fibre. Results of the analyses were compared those of the conventionally well known and widely cultivated Brassica oleracea var capitata. L. (Alef.) – the common cabbage plant. Compared to the conventionally planted cabbage, most WSWFPs were generally richer sources of macro-nutrients, vitamin C and beta-carotene, and therefore they can help improve household nutrition especially during the months preceding the harvest of cultivated crops and also during periods of social unrests, droughts, famine, and other natural catastrophes. Senna obtusifolia, Vernonia amygdalina, Acalypha bipartita, Asystasia gangetica and Physalis peruviana were the richest sources of calories (50.45–544.31 kcal/100g). Ash content was highest (3.69-6.54g/100g) in Vernonia amygdalina, Solanum nigrum, Senna obtusifolia, Hyptis spicigera, while protein was more abundant (5.20-12.11g/100g) in Vernonia amygdalina, Crotalaria ochroleuca, Senna obtusifolia, Acalypha bipartita, Corchorus trilocularis and in Solanum nigrum. Total fat content was highest in Senna obtusifolia (2.05 ± 0.07g), and Acalypha bipartita (1.32 ± 0.10g) while the tender leaves of Vernonia amygdalina, Asystasia gangetica, Corchorus trilocularis, Senna obtusifolia, Asystasia mysorensis and Hibiscus acetosella were highest (7.49-38.62g/100g) in carbohydrates contents. Good sources (3.50-7.76 g/100g) of dietary fibres were Vernonia amygdalina, Crotalaria ochroleuca and Sonchus oleraceus. Vitamin C was highest (98.03-337.05 mg/100g) in Cleome hirta, Vernonia amygdalina, Acalypha bipartita, Solanum nigrum, Crotalaria ochroleuca, and Corchorus trilocularis more than RDA for an adult (65-90 mg). While ß-Carotene contents beyond the RDA were found in Sonchus oleraceus, Cleome hirta, Solanum nigrum, Senna obtusifolia, Crotalaria ochroleuca, Vernonia amygdalina, Asystasia gangetica, Vigna unguiculata, Asystasia mysorensis, Corchorus trilocularis and Amaranthus spinosus. These findings therefore create a justification that the wild leafy WSWFPs are important food items that needs popularization.

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