Opportunities for climate change mitigation in agriculture and investment requirements to take advantage of these opportunities: a report to the UNFCCC Secretariat Financial and Technical Support Programme
Scope [1] At COP 12, Parties agreed on important mandates requesting the secretariat to undertake work on existing and planned invest ment flows and finance schemes relevant to the development of an effective and appropriate international response to climate change. These mandates imply a particular focus on developing countries’ needs, including their medium- to long-term requirement s for investment and finance. [2] This paper is a contribution for consideration in deliberations on the fourth review of the financial mechanism and to the fourth workshop on the dialogue on long-term cooperative action to address climate change by enhancing implementation of the Convention. The TOR require the consultant to: • Summarize GHG emissions for the referen ce or business as usual (BAU) scenario and the mitigation scenario with as much geographic and sub-sectoral detail as possible. • Provide an overview of current sources of financing (domestic, international, public private) in the agricultural sector. • Determine the financing needs for the adaptation scenario and how current financing arrangements need to change to meet the requirements of this scenario with as much geographic and sub-sectoral detail as possible.
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