New climate, new agriculture: how Agroforestry contributes to meeting the challenges of Agricultural development in Tanzania

Never before have so many governments; multilateral and international organizations put so much interest in the agricultural sector. Recent scientific assessments and analyses of the global trends in development, climate change impacts as well as rising fuel prices predict a crisis in the sector. Developing countries will suffer most, especially countries like Tanzania with over 80% of its population depending on agriculture for livelihood.While global assessments predict crop yield reductions from climate change of up to 10% by year 2050, the Tanzania 2007 National Adaptation Program of Action Report predicts reductions of up to 84% in maize yield in the dry parts of the country. Furthermore fertilizer prices in Tanzania rose by 250% in the last two years. These trends are putting agriculture at a crossroads, while agriculture growth in developing regions remains fundamental for poverty reduction and food security. Despite these challenges, there are opportunities from agricultural innovations such as agroforestry that can contribute to meeting these challenges. The adoption of these agricultural innovations which are generally low-cost, improve livelihoods and also minimize negative environmental impacts should be promoted. The MKUKUTA Status Report 2006 underscores the importance of accelerating growth through a more strategic and prioritized approach to generate balanced agricultural growth. Agroforestry options include low-cost technologies that improve livelihoods but also lessen the environmental impacts of agriculture. In this paper we review the potential contribution of agroforestry in agricultural development in Tanzania and suggest action points for consideration within the agricultural sector development framework.
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