Meteorology and agroforestry

The following conclusions and recommendations were formulated as a synthesis of the discussions following the presentation of the papers and of the reports by the five work-ing groups. General 1) The Workshop recommends that all development of methods and all collection of data take account of the multidisciplinary nature of agroforestry and that maximum benefit be obtained from the contributions of the different disciplines involved. It also recommends that for all research and all applications of the results of the re-search, thorough considerations be given to the different scales in space and time and that socio-economic aspects of agroforestry interventions must not be ignored. Information requirements 2) The Workshop recommends that the ranges of different climatic parameters and conditions (climatic profiles), both for survival of specific components and for their relatively successful performance, be determined for the most prominent woody species. It furthermore recommends that the component requirements be com-bined into system requirements. 3) The Workshop recommends that site-specific macro climatic conditions, as they are relevant to agroforestry components and systems, be determined. 4) The Workshop recommends that further quantification be made of aspects of ex-isting techniques of microclimate management and manipulation in agroforestry, to assist the development of viable systems and practices.

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