Lesson Learned RATA Garut dan Bengkunat: Suatu Upaya Membedah Kebijakan Pelepasan Kawasan Hutan dan Redistribusi Tanah Bekas Kawasan Hutan

A Rapid Land Tenure Assessment (RATA) meth od has been developed by ICRAF and it’s partners since 2003. It has become one of the tools for gaining a better understanding of land and resource tenure clai ms by the different interest groups. The refined understanding on land and resource te nure is meant to be used together by other related bodies of knowledge to su pport the negotiation processes among the different interest groups, which may improve the quality of the negotiation for better management of the natural resources. The purpose of the RATA Assesment in Sagara and Bengkunat aimed to understand the po licy setting (forestry, land and local government policies) in the implementati on of the land redistribution from formerly forest areas between 1997- 2009 in Indonesia to support the policy revision for the national land reform program (PPAN). The assessment was conducted in between 2007-2009 in two village in Sagara (Garut District, West Java) and Tanjung Kema la (West Lampung district, Lampung Province). The assement found five key pr oblems in the implementation of the national program which need to be address together by the forestry departement, national land agency as well as the local government to support their common goals.

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