International Council for Research in Agroforestry: Annual Report, 1987
There are several reasons why 1987 can be considered the most important year so far in ICRAF’s short history. Not only did we celebrate our 10th anniversary and move into our new headquarters building, ICRAF House, we also grew, in terms of staff, budget, and operations, by an unprecedented 50% over 1986. Outside ICRAF, some major, significant developments also took place that will have considerable and positive implications on agroforestry research and development and ICRAF in particular over the next few years. The occasion of our 10th anniversary was used to stage ICRAF’s first major concerted international promotional effort. During the week of 7-11 September, some 200 people from all over the world — national and international scientific and development leaders, donors, diplomats, politicians, and others — gathered at ICRAF House. A conference on “The Role of Agroforestry in Improved Land Use” kicked off the celebrations. Key addresses were delivered by Kenya’s Minister for Research, Science and Technology, the Hon. W. Ndolo Ayah; the Chairman of ICRAF’s Board, Prof. Howard Steppler; and by five specially invited international scientists — Dr M.S. Swaminathan, Dr Joseph Hulse, Dr Ed Schuh, Mr Armando Samper, and Dr S.C. Nana-Sinkam.
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