Domestication of agroforestry trees in southeast Asia: proceedings of a regional workshop, Yogyakarta, Indonesia November 4-7 1997
The proceedings contain 33 papers submitted by workshop participants, and working group reports, which include a list of recommended priority tree domestication topics for South East Asia. The papers are arranged in 4 sections. The first section, National agroforestry tree domestication programs, has 11 papers on programmes in Indonesia (2), the Philippines (4), Thailand (1), Malaysia (1), Vietnam (1), Sri Lanka (1) and South China (1). The second section, International agroforestry tree domestication programs, has 4 papers on programmes at the DANIDA Forest Tree Center (Denmark), Oxford Forestry Institute (UK), Massey University (New Zealand), and on the domestication of Australian tree species. The third section, Tree domestication for smallholder agroforestry systems, has 11 papers on initiatives in Indonesia (5), the Philippines (5) and India (1). The fourth section, Tree domestication activities with specific species, has 6 papers on Gnetum gnemon, Vitex pubescens and Arenga pinnata (all in Indonesia), Acacia hybrids in Thailand, Azadirachta excelsa in Malaysia, and Artocarpus heterophylla [A. heterophyllus] in Sri Lanka. The last part of the proceedings contains a summing-up paper from the workshop, the working group reports, a list of participants, and a species index.
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