D&D user’s manual: an introduction to agroforestry diagnosis and design.

This manual was produced in response to demand for a user-friendly introduction to ICRAF’s D&D methodology and replaces the earlier guidelines published in ICRAF Working Paper (1983) No. 6. D&D is a methodology for the diagnosis of land management problems and design of agroforestry solutions; it was developed by ICRAF to assist agroforestry researchers and development fieldworkers to plan and implement effective research and development projects. The manual presents a new synthesis of the most generally useful and adaptable procedures to emerge from practical applications of D&D during a 5-yr trial worldwide. There are 5 sections. The first section, basic principles and procedures, briefly defines agroforestry, discusses the criteria of good agroforestry design, describes D&D and its users, and outlines its basic procedures and key concepts. It gives suggested procedures for national research programmes, and includes suggestions for a more informal approach for direct use in the village or community. The second section presents a case study (by Raintree, J.B.; Rocheleau, D. [Rocheleau, D. E.]) of the Kathama Agroforestry Project, from the subhumid/semiarid midlands of Machakos District, Kenya, a research site developed and maintained by ICRAF. The third section, D&D in action, provides an illustrated scenario (by Hirst, T.). References are given next, followed by 4 appendices: (1) sample diagnostic survey guidelines for a farm survey; (2) AFRENA worksheets for land use system description; (3) a list of the potential functions of trees supplying basic human needs (categorized as food, water, energy, shelter, raw materials for local processing industries, cash, savings and investment, and social production); and (4) an agroforestry design algorithm which tabulates the types of questions to be asked in relation to information source (i.e. external or from a diagnostic field survey) for different design decisions.
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