Agroforestry and Forestry in Sulawesi Baseline Report 5: Household Survey in Gorontalo, Sulawesi
In order to support the project, a baselinesurvey was conducted. One of the main objectives of the survey was to study thegeneral characteristics of types of livelihoods in the community, local farmingsystems and the existing land-use systems in the area based on communityperspectives. Assessment of land-use dynamics, farming systems and livelihoodsstrategies within 2 selected districts in Gorontalo Provinces is very importantfor designing the next phase of the project and also for designing preferredstrategies and their viability under local conditions. Two unit analyses wereused in the livelihood baseline study – community level and household level.This study provides the baseline community perspectives on land-use systems,livelihood strategies and more detailed data on household-level activity inGorontalo.
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