A new institutional economic analysis of policies governing non-Timber Forest Products and Agroforestry Development in Cameroon. Doctoral Thesis Applied Biological Sciences

The main objective of this study was to assess the policy and institutional environment governing the Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) and the Agroforestry Tree Products (AFTP) value chain in Cameroon. To attain the main objectives, specific emphases were put on NTFP/AFTP collectors/producers’ perceptions, awareness, and attitudes of opportunities and threats posed by existing policies and regulations governing land and trees on their incentives and decisions to plant selected indigenous fruit tree species. The interaction between formal and informal institutions in the management of land and trees by collectors/producers was also specifically studied. Another aim was to find out the effect of such policies and regulation on traders’ activities, with attention to their decisions to operate in the formal or informal sector and the consequences of their decisions on the performance of the value chains. In the latter case, incidences of corruption and rent seeking in the demand and supply of permits to sell NTFP were particularly investigated.

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